At Maersk, we are constantly looking for ways to bring ease, agility, and resilience to your supply chain by expanding our offering and integrating options for you to choose from.

We are therefore pleased to share that we are introducing the IMEA region, which will take the place of the current regions of West and Central Asia and The African region. This new region will encompass the core geographies of the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, and Africa, including important markets such as India, Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, and Ghana, amongst others.

What does this change mean for you?

This move will bring more resilience and reliability in supply chains in the above-mentioned regions. Through this change, we look forward to offering you more connectivity, ease and agility in your supply chain moves, whilst continuing to offer you the renowned service you have experienced in our partnership with you.

The IMEA regions has a geographically strategic location, with the natural advantage of creating hubs for both ocean and air transport that will connect the manufacturing and consumer markets across the globe. Through this, your supply chains will have further access and ease, creating more efficiency with increased reach and scope.

You will continue to work with the same team that has supported you until now, and your current connections with Maersk will stay the same. Should this change, your current representative at Maersk will reach out to you.

We see this as a key step in realising our goal of becoming the integrated end-to-end partner, with the ability to offer more customer-centricity and logistical ease. Should you have any further questions, please contact your usual contact with the company. Our customer experience and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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