As part of A.P. Moller – Maersk’s efforts to keep our customers informed of the latest operational details, we would like to give you an update on Cap San Nicolas (250).

Please be informed, operations at the terminal are disrupted and go-slow actions are taking place because of Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) negotiations between the unions and the terminal(s) in Rotterdam (Hutchinson Delta II).

Due to the go-slow actions at the terminal, the Cap San Nicolas (250) is not able to get a berthing window in Rotterdam. Our teams are working hard on contingency planning to minimize disruptions to our customers’ supply chains. For your convenience, please see below planning for import and export cargo.

Import: Your cargo is now planned to discharge in Antwerp, Europa Terminal Q869 ETA 16/12 with no connection to Rotterdam.

Export: Your cargo is now planned to the next vessel from Rotterdam, Hutchinson Delta II, ETD 22/12 being Cap San Lorenzo (245N).

When, in accordance with clause 20(c) of our terms for carriage, cargo scheduled to discharge at the Terminal is diverted to and placed at customers’ disposal at alternative ports such as Antwerp and Zeebrugge, customers will need to source alternative transport at their own cost to reach intended final destinations. Any losses or expenses incurred due to this will not be absorbed by Maersk.

Our teams continue to monitor the situation at the terminal and plan contingencies where needed to alleviate impact to customers. We will keep you updated of any developments and changes as more information becomes available.

Your business is of great importance to us and we thank you for your continuous understanding and regret any inconvenience caused by this schedule.

Please feel free to contact your local Customer Service representatives for any questions or concerns.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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