During the past weeks, we have experienced significantly reduced demand for shipments ex Asia into the US. In the face of this reduced demand, we have decided to take certain actions in order to strengthen our offered transit times and reliability. We will therefore temporarily merge our US West Coast TP2 and TP3 services under 2M and merge our US East Coast TP20 and TP28 services. Both changes will alleviate existing port congestions.
US West Coast – TP2 and TP3
Considering already announced blankings, we will have no more sailings on the TP3 until further notice.
The TP3 will merge onto new TP2, with the rotation.
Shekou – Nansha – Yantian – Ningbo – Shanghai – Long Beach - Busan
This will also help remove the last remaining waiting times for berthing in Los Angeles. All cargo currently carried on TP3 can hence be carried on the new TP2 as well as TP8 and TPX services at similar or better transit times.
US East Coast – TP20 and TP28
These two services will merge onto our new TP20. The first sailing will be the Maersk Kentucky sailing ex Jakarta 16 October, with the rotation.
Jakarta – Vung Tau – Shanghai – Ningbo – Busan – Panama transit – Mobile - Newark
Last sailing of the old TP20 rotation will be the JPO Libra voyage 240E sailing from Jakarta on 8 October and the last sailing of the TP28 will be Merkur Archipelago voyage 241E sailing ex Vung Tau on 13 October.
We remain committed to carrying all cargo contracted to Maersk and/or awarded through the Maersk Spot and Twill channels. As soon as cargo demand recovers, we will bring capacity back through relaunching TP3, TP28, upgrading of other services and/or sailing extra-loaders.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your business and trust. We look forward to continuing to serve your global transportation needs.
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