Effective Thursday, September 1st our email deliveryorder@maersk.com will be decommissioned. To better provide you an expedited service please utilize our online solution to submit your delivery orders. We will not accept Delivery Orders by email to either deliveryorder@maersk.com or any of our other email addresses, including us.import@maersk.com, us.export@maersk.com, and ca.import@maersk.com, or ca.export@maersk.com. This online platform will be the only accepted way to submit delivery orders.

How to get your delivery order today through Maersk.com

  • Register for Maersk.com
  • Once registration is confirmed – login to Maersk.com
  • Click on Manage > The Hub at the top of the screen
  • Scroll down to the Delivery Order widget
  • Have the following information ready
    • Bill of lading number
    • Chosen container numbers
    • Delivery address
    • Contact details – Name, Phone Number, and Email Address

If you need more assistance, please watch this 1-minute demo video on how to submit your delivery orders.

we are confident that with these changes you will experience a more consistent and effective engagement with us. we would also like to reconfirm that our standard handling time for requests that come through Maersk website will be more efficient for you and your organization.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



Satisfacemos las necesidades de los clientes de un extremo a otro de la cadena de suministro.


Nuestro equipo de expertos está a su disposición.
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¿Listo para enviar?

Consulte las tarifas para nuevos envíos y las tarifas de transporte terrestre.
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