Australia, 2021-22 BMSB Season Measures

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) has confirmed the 2021-22 BMSB seasonal measures will apply to targeted goods manufactured and shipped from target risk countries, that have been shipped between 1 September 2021 and 30 April 2022 (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or transship from target risk countries within the same period.

The shipped-on board date, as indicated on the Ocean Bill of lading is the date used to determine when goods have been shipped.

New Target Risk Country

Poland has now been added to the existing extensive list of BMSB target risk countries .

Emerging BMSB risk countries

Countries as identified as emerging BMSB risk and may be selected for random onshore inspection: Belarus, Malta, Sweden, United Kingdom, and Chile.

Continued BMSB Regulations

DAWE will continue to review the measures throughout the season and may make necessary adjustments based on the detection of BMSB during the season.

Please note, mandatory offshore treatment of target high risk goods shipped as break bulk, open top (including in gauge) or on a flat rack, are also considered break bulk and require mandatory offshore treatment. FCL containers that have been modified, such as those used to house in-built power generators, are also considered break bulk.

Untreated break bulk cargo and FCL containers that have been modified, will be directed for export to be treated offshore.

Goods subject to 2021 - 22 BMSB measures

  • Target High Risk Goods

    Goods that fall within the following tariff classifications have been categorised as target high risk goods and will require mandatory treatment for BMSB risk.

  • Target Risk goods

    Goods that fall within the following tariff classifications have been categorised as target risk goods and will not require mandatory treatment. Target risk goods will, however, be subject to increased onshore intervention through random inspection.

New Zealand, 2021-22 BMSB Risk Management

As per industry draft consultation, The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has proposed the BMSB 2021-22 seasonal measures will apply to target vehicles, machinery and parts (VPM) exported from risk countries, on or after, 1 September 2021 and 30 April 2022 (inclusive), and to vessels that berth, load, or tranship from target risk countries within the same period.

BMSB target goods must be fumigated offshore before arriving to New Zealand. Furthermore, all shipments from Italy require treatment before arrival in New Zealand despite commodity and container type.

There is one exception to this rule: BMSB management is not required if target vehicles, machinery, and parts are loaded into a fully enclosed container which is sealed before 1 September and then exported before 1 October of the same year.

To use this exception, evidence will need to be provided of container sealing in the form of the seal number and a date-stamped photo. More details can be found under the import health standard.

NZ BMSB Country Management

BMSB management measures apply to target vehicles, machinery, or parts from the countries listed in schedule 3 of the import health standards.

A full list of 37 countries under the NZ BSMB measures can be found here.

Treating vehicles, machinery, and parts for BMSB

Treatment of vehicles, machinery, and parts will only comply with BMSB measures if treatment is carried out by an MPI approved offshore treatment provider prior to arrival in NZ.

BMSB commodity type exemptions

A number of exemptions for new, lower-risk types of VMP when certain criteria apply and a manufacturer’s declaration is submitted.

BMSB requirements for sea container from Italy

Italy is a country with large BMSB populations and increased associated risk. Containers and their contents must be treated with an MPI-approved treatment provider, prior to arrival in NZ.

Therefore, no types of vehicles, machinery and parts (includes new tires) are eligible for BMSB management exclusions under the Import Health Standard.

Maersk will continue to offer fumigation services at transshipment hubs in Malaysia and Singapore, in order to assist with Australia and New Zealand BMSB regulatory requirements.

Should you have any questions about the up and coming 2021-22 BMSB seasonal measures within Australia and New Zealand, please do not hesitate to contact your Maersk representative.

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