London, UK. A.P. Moller - Maersk- the global integrator of container logistics- has reached an agreement with GBRf - the third largest rail freight operator in the United Kingdom- to operate a rail service from Felixstowe to Newell & Wright in Tinsley all working days in the week.

“As any other major container gateway in the world, Felixstowe has been under pressure due to the various disruptions affecting the supply chain such as Brexit, COVID-19 and the recent vessel blockage at the Suez Canal. By signing this agreement, we will be able to offer more reliable and flexible end-to-end services to both local as well as global importers and exporters,” explains Jeremy Haycock, Managing Director for United Kingdom & Ireland at Maersk.

The Port of Felixstowe is Britain´s biggest and busiest container port, and one of the largest in Europe. Approximately 50% of traffic between Felixstowe and the North of England moves by rail.

“Expanding our rail footprint from Felixstowe is key for us to increase supply chain flexibility for our customers through the current challenging times and help them addressing their individual specific logistics needs as the business condition and pandemic continue to evolve. We want to help bringing capacity and reliability to this critical supply chain link,” adds Jeremy Haycock.

This new service will incorporate new eco-fret wagons from the German company VTG Aktiengesellschaft,  state-of-art containers which maximize the number of 20- and 40-foot containers which can be carried on a train, providing customers an eco-friendlier alternative to traditional wagons.

 “I am delighted we have agreed this contract with Maersk. We are a growing organisation, always looking for the next opportunity and working with Maersk was an absolute no-brainer. We hope this is the beginning of a great relationship,” says John Smith, Managing Director at GB Railfreight.

Maersk is at the forefront of developing innovative supply chain solutions, fusing its global network as well as its intermodal offering and depth of expertise with pioneering digital innovations to enable our customers to stay ahead.

About A.P. Moller - Maersk

A.P. Moller - Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the global leader in shipping services, the company operates in 130 countries and employs approximately 80,000 people.

For further information, please contact:

Concepción Boo Arias
Concepción Boo Arias
Senior Press Officer, Europe Media Manager
+45 24495026

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