When transporting your cargo, safety is our number one priority.

To ensure compliance with our Global acceptance policy and safety standards, we are performing verification of all bookings to make sure that all cargo is correctly declared and packed. This measure is a critical step in preventing accidents and ensuring safe handling of your cargo.

We know that declaring the correct commodity is as important for you as it is for us, therefore we kindly ask for your collaboration in checking that all cargo booked is correctly declared.

As a shipper, it is your responsibility to test and declare your cargo as per IMDG regulations. Providing the correct information and keeping your MSDS up to date is essential to ensure the cargo is loaded in a safe way and therefore embarks on a safe voyage.

To complete the verification, we may ask you to provide additional clarification and documents. Your collaboration is important, and we reserve the right to open and inspect your container. We would appreciate if you could provide any additional documents/clarification needed. This will help us reach an even higher standard when it comes to safe transport of goods.

Safety is our top priority – for our crew, employees and other colleagues that work with us along the way in the supply chain, and for every customer’s cargo that we carry.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and collaboration. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing working with you in the future.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



Soddisfiamo le esigenze dei nostri clienti lungo tutta la catena logistica.


Il nostro team di esperti è sempre a tua disposizione.
Trova prezzi

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Verifica le tariffe per le nuove spedizioni e le tariffe per il trasporto inland.
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