Build trusted networks in your supply chain

Global enterprises are under regulatory pressure to prove that their supply chains are sustainable, resilient and free from forced labor. Recent changes in US regulations has increased this burden on importers. Maersk can help importers leverage the power of machine learning through the Altana Atlas to see deep into their supply chains, proactively manage risk, and build trusted networks with partners.


UFLPA Guidance

With the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act now in effect, U.S.Customs and Border Protection now has authority to detain, investigate and seize any items attempted to be imported into the United States that it determines was manufactured or sourced, wholly or in part, in the XUAR or by entities appearing on the UFLPA Entity List.

Enforcement will be aggressive and the standard of evidence to be produced by importers is the highest under US law: clear and convincing evidence.

This, in effect, means the importer must leave almost no doubt whatsoever in the evidence to support its argument that the items are not sourced or manufactured using forced labor in XUAR or by other entities.

So, how can importers demonstrate this?

UFLPA guidance

Altana | Maersk

Forced labor compliance is only the start of a global movement towards supply chain visibility, traceability, and public-private collaboration. These will be necessary first-steps for meeting a range of ESG goals in the future, and key to remaining compliant with changing regulations on climate, labor, and security.

The partnership between Maersk and Altana helps importers be the first to meet this challenge, bringing together our deep-rooted knowledge of customs regulations, trade agreements, and best import practices with the power of AI to access insights deep within multi-tier supply chains.

With a shared goal of creating a trusted system of global commerce, Maersk and Altana together provide the intelligence and support to help enterprises build trusted and resilient networks.

Ship at port

What is the Altana Atlas?

The Altana Atlas is the world’s most complete knowledge graph of global commerce, representing 425 million companies connected by billions of shipments. It is a live, dynamic model of the supply chain that is used and informed by enterprises, shipping and logistics companies and governments alike. By enabling customers to map their supply chains to the facility level, the Altana Atlas empowers customers to navigate the increasingly complex commercial, regulatory and geopolitical environment more efficiently and effectively.

Altana atlas map

Proactively address UFLPA directives

Search pictogram
Illuminate multi-tier value chains
Gain a product-level perspective of relevant value chains and explore relationships and transactions within your network
Care pictogram
Demonstrate reasonable care
Prove that you have thoroughly reviewed your global supply chain to help prove admissibility
Share trust pictogram
Share, collaborate and build trust
Share and collect information with suppliers, n-tier suppliers, auditors and regulators from a shared source of truth

Risk Analysis

Following the enactment of the UFLPA, organizations are expected to face costs in the millions to tens of millions of dollars to adequately respond to US CBP detention notices.

The Altana and Maersk partnership can help importers to:

  • Power compliance with UFLPA
  • Drastically reduce the possibility of detention & costs
  • Build trusted networks with regulators & suppliers
Risk analyst checking the system digitally

A numbers game

Here’s what you should know about the cost of proactively addressing UFLPA directives.

Detention Notices (2021)
Expected Detention Notices (2022-23)
$10MM- $40MM
Total Loss on Inventory Costs
$250k- $500k
Demurrage, Storage & Re-Shipment
$100k- $250k
Compliance & Legal Fees
30-day detention timeline
Reduced from 3 month period under WRO regulations
362% in CBP Manpower
CBP anticipates a significant increase in manpower from FY2022 - FY2023 to implement UFLPA enforcement efforts

Schedule a private demo of the Altana Atlas

The Maersk Trade Services team, together with Altana, will help you to build trusted networks in your supply chain.

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Schedule a private demo of the Altana Atlas

The Maersk Trade Services team, together with Altana, will help you to build trusted networks in your supply chain.

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