Inland services in Uruguay

To ensure smooth end-to-end delivery of your products, we offer strong inland transportation services in one single transaction. Our inland services connect key inland service points and major container ports with each other and to the rest of the world.

Why to use Maersk Inland services in Uruguay

  • One single partner, who does all the heavy lifting for his supply chain
  • Extensive coverage, experience and confidence.
  • Support of a team of logistics consultants to simplify and optimize the operations
  • Expertise in the handling of sensitive cargo such as refrigerated products, seafood, etc.
  • Single rate for full logistics operation.
  • As a global integrator of container logistics, we can provide you with ground transportation solutions at both source and destination to help you to simplify your supply chain.

Supported inland service modes in Uruguay

Barge provides additional opportunities to utilize water service into points not accessible by large main liner vessels.
Trucks provide flexible point-to-point service, delivering small loads over short to long distances over widely dispersed geographic areas.

Anything you need, we’re here to help

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