Shipping needs can change quickly. And you shouldn’t be caught up in lengthy paperwork to make even minor changes. Maersk brings the control back into your hands by digitizing all our key processes.

One of the critical areas we focus on is enabling you to submit your shipping instructions (SI) and amend them whenever necessary. In this article, we will cover how to do that easily on the Maersk Hub.

How to Split your shipment on Maersk
How to part shipment on
How to combine shipments on

Summing Up

We’ve designed the Maersk Hub to offer you a hassle-free DIY experience, whether you’re new to the industry or already well-versed. Submitting and amending shipping instructions on Maersk is quick, easy, and super convenient. You can do it anytime, anywhere, and save much of your time.

Reward yourself with a seamless, user-friendly digital shipping experience you and your team deserve. Scale your business to unprecedented heights as Maersk backs you with integrated logistics solutions. Start shipping with Maersk!

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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