Maersk has embarked on a journey to integrate Pilot Freight Services and its subsidiary brands* into the Maersk family as a key step in offering our customers globally integrated logistics. We have made considerable progress in integrating Pilot’s operational resources and capabilities into Maersk’s transportation services offering. In the coming weeks, we will begin to update our websites, documentation, platforms, and facilities. Our aim is to provide our customers with comprehensive logistics solutions, all unified under the Maersk brand.

The following changes will result from our updates:

  • The website will soon transfer to When activated in the next few weeks, the site will have a new visual look, but will provide all the same functionalities you are accustomed to for managing your business, whether that is tracking a shipment, scheduling a delivery, or paying an invoice
  • Our employees will soon be equipped with a new email address. All previous brand email addresses will be forwarded to the new address for a designated period of several months to ensure uninterrupted communication
  • Documents will become Maersk branded over the coming months, but there will be no alterations in content or how you handle shipments
  • There will be no changes to our current EDI/API solutions interfaces for the time being. However, you may be contacted in the future should platform updates become necessary. 

Please note that these changes will not impact the Pilot franchisee-operated locations in Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Richmond, and Norfolk.  We value our partnership with these franchise locations and they will continue to conduct operations under the Pilot brand and via with no impacts to their operations or services as a result of our brand transition activities. 

We have posted an FAQ to We will notify you when the updated website has gone live in a few weeks’ time. Meanwhile, should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out your account manager.

We also invite you to subscribe to Maersk North America market updates and customer advisories at Be sure to accept the confirmation email you receive when you sign up, in order to protect your privacy.

Thank you for entrusting your transportation needs to Maersk. 

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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이 양식을 제출하면 A. P. Moller-Maersk 및 그 계열사로부터 이메일을 통해 물류 관련 뉴스 및 마케팅 소식을 수신하는 데 동의합니다 . 본인은 구독 취소 링크를 클릭하면 언제든지 Maersk 마케팅을 수신 거부할 수 있습니다. 개인 정보를 처리하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 개인정보 고지를 참조하세요.

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