Copenhagen, Denmark – A.P. Moller - Maersk (Maersk) has completed the acquisition of the company ResQ for its subsidiary Maersk Training.

On 17 June, Maersk announced its intention to acquire ResQ, a leading supplier of services and expertise in safety training and emergency preparedness in Norway. The transaction was subject to regulatory review and approval, which now has been obtained.

Link to the press release announcing the intended acquisition.

Maersk Training and ResQ have a close relationship today with ResQ being the largest third-party service provider for Maersk Training in Norway. Since 2019, ResQ has been a subcontractor of Maersk Training delivering services to support the Maersk Training’s global training management contracts.

The acquisition of ResQ provides a platform which will allow Maersk Training to service the offshore renewables industry in the North Sea and significantly increase its presence in Norway as well as further build its portfolio of training courses.

The enterprise value of the transaction on a post IFRS 16 basis is approximately USD 26m (pre-IFS16 enterprise value of c. USD 14m) reflecting a pre-synergy EBITDA multiple of 5.3x based on adjusted 2021 EBITDA.

About Maersk Training

Maersk Training is an independent business unit under A.P. Moller – Maersk that specialises in the safety training industry. Maersk Training has more than 300 employees and supplies a variety of courses to Maersk and APM Terminals. Additionally, Maersk Training offers tailormade programs for customers. Maersk Training was established in 1978, to improve safety in the offshore industry. However, in recent years the company has been through a transformation, offering more courses into wind, maritime and terminals.

Furthermore, Maersk H2S Safety Service – owned by Maersk Training - are providing H2S safety services and training globally with permanent presence in Denmark, Australia, Brazil, Norway, Italy, UK, UAE, Congo and Brunei employing 500 colleagues.

About ResQ

ResQ, a leading supplier of services and expertise in safety training and emergency preparedness in Norway. ResQ has five survival centres located strategically in Norway to cover the needs for training and offers more than 70 course titles, while the crisis management part consists of a full emergency response setup, which can be fully customised to the client’s needs and handle all aspects of an emergency. ResQ has 67 permanent employees and over 300 temporary resources spread across the country.

For more information, please contact:

Povl Rasmussen Senior Press Officer
Povl D. Rasmussen
Senior Media Relations Advisor, Ocean business
+45 31528620

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