The Oceania and Asia supply chain continues to be impacted by terminal congestion and COVID impact both in Asia as well as as Oceania. After reviewing current operational environment with the aim to provide reliable and weekly frequency between Asia – Oceania and vice versa, Maersk will be making structural changes to the Dragon service rotation and port coverage.

The service will stop calling Osaka, Yokohama and Busan and will resume Yantian coverage.

First voyage with the new setup on the Dragon service with be 216S/220N Christa Schulte ex-Qingdao 29th April 2022.

At the same time MSK would stop offering the YOYO service with last voyage being 217A MSC Banu, ex-Shanghai 26th April 2022

Proforma rotation for the Dragon as below

Qingdao – Qiangwan Container Terrminal – FRI 1000 to SAT 0800
Ningbo – Beilun phase 4 terminal – SUN 2030 to MON 0830
Shanghai – Y4 Terminal – WED 0200 to WED 2000
Hong Kong – Modern Terminal – SUN 0100 to SUN 1000
Yantian – Yantian International Container Terminal – SUN 1700 to MON 0200
Sydney – Patricks Terminals – FRI 0600 to SUN 0600
Melbourne – Patricks Terminals – TUE 0700 to THU 0130
Brisbane – Patricks Terminals – SUN 0600 to TUE 0600

Schedules for the following vessels will be updated in due course.

Should you have any questions or require support, please reach out to your local Maersk team using our instant chat channel: Live Chat
We thank you in advance for your continued support and look forward to continuing to connect your supply chain.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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