Warsaw, 8 February 2021 - On 23rd January 2021, A.P. Moller – Maersk’s 41-container-long block train left the Chinese city of Yiwu (Zhejiang province) on its way to the intermodal terminal in Małaszewicze, Poland, carrying personal protective equipment (PPE) procured by Zarys International Group, a leading Polish medical supplies provider, and commissioned by the Polish Material Reserves Agency.

“Medical equipment has never been more needed. In times like these, when increased demand makes equipment and rail capacity difficult to procure, we reached out to Maersk with our important and time-sensitive project, knowing they understand our needs and would have ways to assist us timely and efficiently”, shares Paweł Ossowski, President of the Board of ZARYS. “We are extremely pleased to have been able to arrange this delivery as promised to our contractor. Without determination and commitment of both sides, It would not have been possible” added Paweł Ciesek, Import Department Coordinator at Zarys.

The Material Reserves Agency is a Polish national institution that purchases, stores and distributes strategic reserves. Its supply of medical reserves includes medicines, vaccines, disinfectants, protective clothing and all other medical equipment currently needed in the fight against COVID-19. The protective equipment carried by Maersk’s new block train will ultimately be distributed to medical institutions across the country.

“We are always committed to making specific transportation arrangements for our local customers and such an important project required extra dedication. We are very proud of our teams in Asia and Europe, who moved mountains to make this delivery possible, so we could keep our promise”, shares Justyna Barycza, Customer Experience Manager and Poland Country Representative at Maersk.

During 2020, Maersk has arranged a total of 209 tailored intercontinental trains from China to European countries, including Germany, France, Sweden, Poland, Belarus and Russia and has increased its footprint in Turkey and Georgia with first-ever block trains developed for those markets. The company has also expanded its unique sea-rail-sea product (the AE19 service), which became a permanent product in October, after being launched also in the eastbound direction in March 2020, connecting North European origins with several destination ports in Asia.

The block train from Yiwu, China arrived to Małaszewicze, Poland on 8th February 2021. The train carries a total of 41 high cube containers.

About A.P. Moller - Maersk

A.P. Moller - Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the global leader in shipping services, the company operates in 130 countries and employs approximately 80,000 people.


For further information, please contact:

Concepción Boo Arias
Concepción Boo Arias
Senior Press Officer, Europe Media Manager
+45 24495026

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