Shipping to and from South Africa
Your complete guide to shipping to and from South Africa. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.
Local information
+27 21 408 6888 (Customer Service)
Maersk Go pin: 2222
Maersk Go contact email id:
Import related queries:
Export related queries:
Import related queries:
Export related queries:
3 Melrose Square, Melrose Arch
Melrose North
Release Counter
Grindrod Intermodal
13 Chilvers Street
Import related queries:
Export related queries:
08h00 to 16h00
Front Counter Operating Hours: Monday-Friday: 08:00-16:30
Headquartered in Cape Town with offices in Port Elizabeth, Durban, East London and Johannesburg, Maersk South Africa (Pty) Ltd. has been connecting South African businesses to key markets around the world since 1992, via a comprehensive road and rail network that joins seamlessly with our global ocean fleet.
We have the expertise, global presence and local knowledge to get your cargo to its destination on time – wherever in the world that happens to be.
유용한 정보
휴무일, 각종 비용, 결제 서비스, 절차 및 제한 사항 등에 대한 최신 현지 정보를 제공합니다.
Useful Local charges information
Overstay clause For Maersk A/S The Ports of Durban, Cape Town and the Inland Port of City Deep
- In the event of the Goods having been landed at any South African Port Terminal or City Deep Inland Container Terminal and the Merchant fails to remove the Goods within the time provided for in the Carrier's tariff, then notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other agreement or document whatsoever, but without prejudice to its rights and liberties in terms thereof including as a matter of contract all benefits under the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to bills of lading signed at Brussels on 25th August 1924 ("the Hague Rules"), on which the Carrier may rely at its sole discretion, the Carrier or its Agent shall be entitled but not obliged, without notice to the Merchant, to haul or arrange for the haulage of the Goods from the Terminal to a depot and to there store them pending payment by the Merchant of all outstanding freight, haulage, storage and any other related costs including but not limited to container demurrage, in respect of which expenses, costs and demurrage the Carrier and/or its agent shall be entitled to exercise a lien until paid. Such haulage and storage shall be undertaken on behalf of the Merchant entirely at its sole risk and expense and neither the Carrier nor its agents or sub-contractors shall have any liability to the Merchant for any loss or damage to the Goods, or in respect of any consequential damages, wheresoever and howsoever caused, including by their negligence.
- Notwithstanding the aforegoing and in the event that the proper law, custom and practice, or a competent court by binding decision, extends the period of responsibility of the Carrier otherwise than in accordance with the terms of any applicable Ocean or Multimodal Transport bill of lading to a period after the Carrier tendering the Goods for delivery in terms of Clause 5.2. of the applicable Bill of Lading Terms for Carriage, whether in contract, delict, bailment or deposit, then the Carrier and its agents and sub-contractors shall have the benefit of every right, defence, immunity, limitation and liberty provided for in the Hague Rules during such additional period of responsibility, notwithstanding that the loss or damage did not occur during the period of the carriage by sea.
- The Merchant indemnifies the Carrier, its employees, agents and/or sub-contractors against any claim for customs duties, value-added tax, sales tax, penalties, amounts raised in forfeiture, and any other fines, levies or charges whatsoever in respect of the Goods.
For Ocean Transport, the Merchant shall take delivery of the Goods as provided for in clause 22.2 of the Bill of Lading Terms of Carriage, within the above detailed free time applicable to the relevant South African Port Terminal or City Deep Inland Container Terminal.
Drop Off Charges Inland
- Maersk no longer includes turn-in/drop off fees as part of the quoting process.
- DRP - Drop Off Charge(Imports) will be applied in the event that an empty container is returned to an inland depot at destination, which can also apply as a penalty based on turn-in advisory.
- For Drop off charges click here.
Useful Information, documents, legal and definitions
The Consumer Protection Act intends to regulate the marketing of goods and services to consumers, as well as the transactions and/or agreements between the consumers and the producers, suppliers, distributors, importers, retailers, service providers and intermediaries of those goods and services. The purpose of the Act is to ‘promote and advance the social and economic welfare of consumers in South Africa’. It therefore intends:
- To improve access to, as well as the quality of, information that is necessary for consumers to make informed choices
- To protect consumers from health and safety hazards
- To promote consumer education
- To establish a legal framework for the achievement of a consumer market that is fair, accessible, efficient, sustainable and responsible
- To promote fair business practices
- To protect consumers from unfair, unreasonable and/or improper trade practices
- To protect consumers from misleading, deceptive, unfair or fraudulent conduct
- To provide for systems of dispute resolution and enforcement
Bill of Lading Clause
Booking Cancellation Policy
Consumer Protection Act – Industry Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme
- Shipping Dry Containers
- Shipping REEFER Containers
- Shipping Special Cargo (Includes Chemicals, Hazardous and Oversized Cargo)
Welcome On Board.
We value your cargo and endeavor to make shipping with Maersk an efficient, customer friendly process. To assist you and your team through this experience, please read our on-boarding section
Disclaimer : In the event that any export Goods are stopped by the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) or any other authority after the Goods have been delivered into the control of the Carrier, or are deemed in law to have been delivered into the control of the Carrier, then the Carrier may at the cost and risk of the Merchant arrange for the movement of the Goods in accordance with the instructions of SARS or such other authority.
Once SARS or such other authority has granted release of the Goods for export, the Carrier may arrange for the Goods to be moved back into stacks for export at the sole risk and expense of the Merchant. The Carrier will under no circumstances be liable if the Goods miss the date of sailing as a result of the intervention by SARS or such other authority and the Goods will be exported on board the next available vessel subject of Clauses 8, 19 and 20 of the Carrier’s Bill of Lading Terms for Carriage. The Merchant indemnifies the Carrier, its employees, agents and/or sub-contractors as a result of their adhering to such instructions and in respect of consequent charges, Freight or expense incurred.
All landside charges, Freight or expense, including but not limit to detention and demurrage, incurred by the Carrier on behalf of the Merchant after landing of the Goods and before release of the Goods, or incurred after the Goods are deemed to be under the Carrier’s control for export, shall be for the Merchant’s account and shall be payable on demand. The Merchant indemnifies the Carrier, its employees, agents and/or sub-contractors in respect of such charges, Freight or expense and hereby agrees to be liable, therefore.
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