We are writing to inform you that we have revised the Quarterly Fuel Indexes for Quarter-2 of 2024 (April - June). The adjusted rates will be effective as of 1 April 2024 and is available in this link.
As announced previously, Maersk launched the Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF), an index-based mechanism to calculate and incorporate the fuel cost variation into Inland prices to facilitate contractual rates review, such review to be conducted on a quarterly basis.
Please note that the FAF is country specific and is tied to a public index, as fuel prices can vary due to a combination of factors that are country specific. We do this to ensure that the FAF covers actual fuel cost variations as accurately as possible. The FAF aims to provide transparency into your cost structure through use of the public index.
The FAF is applicable to all landside transportation services, including barge, rail and trucking, and combinations thereof.
The adjusted FAF will be reflected on your billing information. A full overview of the fuel prices can be found here.
Should you have any questions, please contact your local Maersk professional. Our customer service and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.
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