In the wake of the recent disruption, supply chain systems across the globe experienced varying degrees of uncertainty. While organizations were able to restore a fair degree of normalcy, they have started to relook how supply chain systems can be made more resilient.
As enterprises relook supply chains, how much of it will result in reinvention? What will be the role of leveraging digital ecosystems to build resilience in the supply chains of the future? And with new localized sourcing policies being adopted by several organizations, will globalization, as we know it, change? With the need for robust digital foundations and diverse sourcing policies being brought to the forefront, organizations are rethinking operations, and this in turn will influence the current thinking around globalization and supply chain systems.
In this 60 min webinar Supply Chains Reloaded: What Role does Globalization Play? Kim Pedersen, Global head of Sales and Marketing, Maersk, along with other industry leaders discuss strategies that organizations can use in this new era where change is imminent.

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