This is a proactive notification in line with our operations at the Port of Mombasa Kenya.

Over the past few weeks, we have been experiencing berthing congestion due to higher than expected yard density and equipment challenges, resulting in vessel berthing and departure delays.

We appreciate your patience during this time and assure you that working round the clock with the port authorities and key stakeholders to minimise any customer-felt impact. As we accelerate our efforts, we kindly request that you take note of the cut-off timelines and plan for timely stacking/gate in of your export units to facilitate loading.

Document/Task Mawingu Service-28X Timelines Mashariki - 28J Timelines
Engagement List - (customer Request deadline)
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Thursday 1500 hrs
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
Subject to ETA
LAR - (customer Request deadline)
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Friday 1500 hrs
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
VGM / SI submission via Maersk Website
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Friday 1500 hrs
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
Subject to ETA
Vessel Berthing
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Sunday 1600 hours
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
Subject to ETA
Vessel sailing
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Thursday 1730 hours
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
Subject to ETA
Normal Cut off
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Saturday 2300hrs (Both gate in and handover)
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
Subject to ETA
LAR / Reefer cut off
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Tuesday 1000hrs for Gate in
Mashariki - 28J Timelines
LAR / Reefer cut off
Mawingu Service-28X Timelines
Tuesday 1500hrs Release and Handover
Mashariki - 28J Timelines

N/B: Due to the current challenges at the port, the above berths, sailing and cut off details are subject to change.

Therefore, we would like to refer you to the KPA Acceptance Timelines and request that you keep checking for any changes and adhere to them.

For more information on our vessel timelines, please visit

Due to the short berth and departure windows for this service, late acceptance is not allowed for the Mashariki service.

Please reach out to your customer service representative for any questions / clarifications required.

We count on your understanding and support.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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Il nostro team di esperti è sempre a tua disposizione.
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