We would like to inform you that on June 7, we were notified by APM Terminals Yucatán of an issue at Pier 6 in the Port of Progreso, Mexico due to its Port Infrastructure Maintenance Program carried out by the Administración del Sistema Portuario Nacional de Progreso.

In accordance with the terminal‘s security policies, operations at Pier 6 of APM Terminals Yucatán have been temporarily suspended. This suspension impacts our vessel operations, necessitating a temporary pause in booking services for new reservations at Progreso Port.

As a result of this unforeseen force majeure event, no new reservations will be accepted where Progreso Port serves as a transshipment point, destination, or origin.

We understand the potential impact on your operations and are actively working on contingency plans. We will communicate these plans as soon as they are available. You can be assured that we are committed to finding the best alternatives for your shipments.

For any questions or further assistance, please contact our customer service team by calling our Mexico line: 55 7100 0230, using our online chat at www.Maersk.com, or by emailing us at mx.export@maersk.com or mx.import@maersk.com.

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