We would like to remind you of the process for all Import Reefer unplug requests, please direct all communications through Maersk Ireland Customer Service. We request that there are no communications through any other parties.
Advance Notice: Email Ie.import@maersk.com with at least 6 working hours' notice for Maersk Imports.
If you have any urgent requests please call us on 01 6182500 quoting your email case number.
Email Guidelines: Please do not include our 3rd Party Engineers in any emails related to unplugging reefer containers. Any emails sent to them will not be processed.
Engineers will only follow instructions from Maersk for unplugging units on the quay.
Unplugging Protocol: Units will be left unplugged for a maximum of 3 hours. Ensure timely arrival to avoid risk to your cargo.
If your driver arrives more than 3 hours after the initial request, a new request is required as unit will be plugged back in by our engineers
Rescheduling: If you cannot collect at the scheduled time, email the above address during working hours to arrange a replug.
Thank you for your business. We look forward to continuing to serve your global transportation needs.
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