DP World Southampton have announced that effective the 1st September it would be trialing for one year until 31st August 2024 a Modal Shift Programme (MSP). DP World Southampton have advised that his has been launched to increase the financial attractiveness of rail inland movements for laden containers, as well as to reduce the cost of CO2 emissions and help to support UK businesses net zero targets.

Please note the highlights of the scheme:

  • A MSP Fee of GBP 10.00 will be applied to all import laden containers.
  • A MSP Incentive, initially set at GBP 70.00 will be credited for any import laden container which leaves DP World Southampton by rail to a railhead within the MSP Incentive Zone as seen in the below map.
    GBP 70.00 will be set between the start of the scheme until the end of December 2023. And then reviewed every quarter from January 2024 to allow for changes.
  • Any import laden container which leaves Southampton by rail to a railhead outside the MSP Incentive Zone will be refunded the MSP Fee.
  • The MSP Fee will be charged to the import clearing agent who makes the customs declaration.

If goods move by rail outside the 140 miles the MSP will be repaid.

This scheme does not apply to road.

Intermodal railheads within DP World Southampton MSP Incentive Zone include:

Avonmouth, Bristol and Portbury
Birmingham Hams Hall, Birmingham (BIFT) Birch Coppice
And Birmingham Landor Street
East Midlands Gateway
Daventry and Northampton
DP World London Gateway

The MSP Incentive zone is approx. 140 miles.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your local sales or customer experience representative.

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