At Maersk, we believe in the utmost safety of our equipment and our crew involved with handling our equipment along with your cargo at sea. In light of this, we want to reiterate that you will be asked to follow certain set of procedures whenever there is loading of coils and other metal materials which is over 2 metric tons.

Below is the procedure we are expecting our customers to follow:-

  • We have 2 new commodity names with regards to this – “Steel & other metal Coils, Sheets, Pipes, Bars, Tube articles with per unit weight more than 2 tons” and “Steel and other metal Coils, Sheets, Pipes, Bars, Tube articles with per unit weight less than or equal to 2 tons”.
  • This commodity name will have to be selected if you are booking for cargo that comes under the category of Steel coils, any metal coils, aluminium coils, wire coils, pipes, tube articles and plates.
  • After you place the booking with this commodity, you will receive an email after booking confirmation from our side to provide necessary details.
  • After the containers are picked up, you will need to send us stuffing images in word file template format which are in line to the TT Club Guidelines (Prior Gate in).
  • Once the approval is given by our cargo compliance desk, your containers will be deemed safe to load on the scheduled vessel. Accordingly, the containers can be gated in.

Prohibited Cargo:

  1. Commodity Coil is not allowed for NAM inland movements (Truck/Rail)
  2. Stacking of Coil on each other is also not allowed.

Policy applied for:

Steel coils, metal coils, aluminium coils, wire coils, Plates, and other metal materials which is over 2 metric tons.

We thank you in advance for your continued support. If you have any questions, please reach out to your local Maersk representative.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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