In this webinar on ‘Tariff Mitigation Strategies’ delivered by Jane Taeger, Head of Trade Compliance Services at Vandegrift, a Maersk Company, on 10 December 2019, we discussed how Incoterms and other existing programs can be used to reduce entered value or duty liability.
Webinar Agenda:
- Current Trade Challenges
- Exclusions
- Incoterms
- Drawback
- Tariff Engineering
- Alternate Sourcing/Manufacturing
- First Sale
- Deduction of transportation charges
- Miscellaneous Tariff Bill
- Binding Ruling
About Jane:
A licensed broker since 1987, Jane is a member of the International Compliance Professionals Association. She joined Vandegrift – A Maersk Company as Director of Brokerage Operations in 2017 and became Head of Trade Compliance Services in 2019. Prior to these, she was the North American Trade Compliance Manager at Danfoss, and successfully gained the company’s acceptance as one of the original 7 pilot members in the Trusted Trader program.

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