Maersk Customs Services in U.A.E.

Our Maersk Customs Services can help you with the complexities of border controls and customs regulations. For import and export cargos. At both - origin and destination.

Accreditation by Dubai Customs AEO Program

Maersk Dubai is accredited by the Dubai Customs Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) Program. Which means that your cargo can enjoy a reliable and seamless supply chain experience with faster cargo clearance, easier documentation, priority in customs inspection and more.
AEO logistics services

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Contact us

Please contact our customer service representative to include one of our Maersk Customs Service products in your supply chain.

Core product

Import customs clearance

Standard Customs Declaration upon arrival in the UAE/Oman/Qatar to gain release of the cargo for onward delivery

  • Import customs clearance
  • Customs & Port Authority inspections

Export customs clearance

Standard Declaration to Customs to gain permission to load the vessel & be exported outside of the UAE/Oman/Qatar

Air freight customs clearance

Fully compliant & comprehensive Airfreight service for import and exports

Border clearance

Border clearance for cargo moved by land within the GCC and Jordan

Additional Maersk Customs Services

Beyond acquiring clearances, we also offer requirement-based consultation and procedural assistance for your cargo:

  • Issuance of Certificate of Origin (COO) - You may be required to declare that your cargo is produced in a specific country, to determine whether it's eligible for entry or entitled for any preferential treatment.
  • Duty payment and consultation - On behalf of the importer – we process duty advancement to the customs.
  • HS code classification - We can assist with determining the correct tariff classification and applicable duty and taxes. We will require a thorough description of the product along with the country of origin.
  • Import license registration - To make imports easier in the future, we help the first-time importers in acquiring licenses from local customs
  • Item registration with Dubai Municipality and Environment Health and Safety authorities
  • Duty deposit management - we can offer duty management services for customers delivering to or from a free zone in the UAE and Oman

What is required to complete Maersk Customs Services?


Documents Required to initiate custom clearance for Import:

  • Original Bill of Lading /Express Bill of Lading (BL) (which ever issued at the time of release to client, if express release, than the authorization letter with customer import code to be handed over)
  • Original Packing List
  • Original Commercial Invoice
  • Original Certificate of origin
  • Duty waiver (if applicable)
  • Trade license with valid import code


Documents Required to initiate custom clearance for Export:

  • Original Packing List
  • Original Commercial Invoice
  • Original Delivery Advise


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