The chemical industry faces mounting pressure to cut its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According to the FT Longitude report included below, although scope 3 emissions account for - on average - 63% of chemical businesses’ overall GHG output, most companies have not yet started to tackle them.

Logistics, transportation, and storage are major contributors to scope 3, according to most chemical businesses in the survey.

What are the possible decarbonisation initiatives?

How can progress in this be achieved? FT Longitude interviewed industry experts and carried out a survey of 500 chemical businesses worldwide to find out more.

Watch the video to see how the logistics sector can help chemical businesses tackle greenhouse gas emissions and make sure to download the free report:

Download the report to see 8 key points where the chemical and logistics industries can start:

For more information on this topic:

  • Listen to the latest episode of “Beyond the Box” on how to tackle supply chain emissions in the chemicals industry.
  • Discover more insights on chemical businesses.

  • About FT Longitude

    FT Longitude is a specialist thought leadership agency, owned by the Financial Times, working with a wide range of the world’s most prestigious B2B brands across Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific. FT Longitude’s 80+ clients are concentrated in the professional services, financial services, and technology sectors, but also stretch into energy, infrastructure, manufacturing and other industries. Headquartered in London, the company was founded in 2011 and was selected as one of Chief Marketer 200, Top Marketing Agencies of 2020, an Inc. 5000 Europe in 2018, an FT 1000 company in 2017, and a 2016 Leap 100 high growth UK company by City A.M. and Mishcon de Reya. It is led by founders Rob Mitchell (CEO), James Watson (COO) and Gareth Lofthouse (Chief Revenue Officer). For more information: visit

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