What can companies expect in 2024? How will logistics move this year? What are the trends that we will see for the different parts of the industry?

To help your business stay ready, we have compiled a collection of research articles featuring forecasted trends and initiatives coming your way in the next months.

What will be the logistics industry trends for 2024?

  1. SUPPLY CHAIN DISTRUPTIONS: With temperatures hitting record highs, and the world experiencing multiple political and environmental challenges throughout the year, disruption undeniably is impacting the way global trade moves. How can companies prepare to overcome supply chain disruptions in 2024? Read here.
  2. SUPPLY CHAIN VISIBILITY: Today, full supply chain visibility encompasses more than just an overview of the product flow. Companies wish to be equipped with the power to truly predict and adjust logistics, so what’s next? Read the visibility trends to expect in the coming year, here.
  3. FREIGHT FORWARDING: The world of freight forwarding is constantly evolving, driven by global economic shifts, technological advancements, and changing consumer expectations. Read along as we unpack five trends that will shape the future of freight forwarding in 2024 and beyond, here.
  4. WAREHOUSING: There has been unprecedented pressure placed on global supply chains that profoundly changed global markets and by proxy the race for warehousing space. How will this evolve? Find out more, here.
  5. INFLATION: Alongside low global economic growth, the world continues to see the presence of persistent inflation, which is projected to remain. Looking to the future, with change ever-present on the horizon, read an analysis of what is projected to happen here.
  6. CUSTOMS: Customs can be so useful and strategic if well-orchestrated for the benefit of businesses. What will be the trends and innovations in customs clearance this year? Discover here.
  7. DIGITALISATION: What is in sight for the digitalisation of supply chains? As part of supply chains’ remarkable digital transformation, five megatrends are emerging, reshaping the way goods move and businesses operate. See more here.
  8. SUPPLY-DEMAND IMBALANCE: Can logistics connect the imbalance between supply and demand? With soaring inflation and economic challenges, how can businesses manage their logistics strategy in 2024? Watch here.
  9. PROJECT LOGISTICS: This branch of logistics uses several types of services and vessels, subjected to different challenges, pressures, and needs. Keeping this diversity in mind, what can we expect in this space this year? What trends or changes? See here.
  10. SUPPLY CHAIN TECH STARTUP: The evolution of supply chain tech startups is continuously dynamic - helping take efficiency, sustainability, and resilience to new heights. In 2024, disruptions are likely to continue, so technology solutions addressing gaps to optimise supply chains will be the focus. Learn more here.
  11. COLD CHAIN: In recent years, a continuous trend for cold supply chains has been consolidation. Quite a lot of acquisitions have been finalised, but now, things look different. Looking ahead, what will characterise and influence cold chains? Read here.
  12. CHEMICAL INDUSTRY: To ensure future resilience, balance their profit and comply with global sustainability initiatives, companies are considering how to prepare for this year. Discover what is in sight for this part of the industry here.
  13. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE INDUSTRY: How can businesses in this industry overcome challenges and keep their costumers satisfied? Explore the primary challenges that fruit and vegetable growers are set to encounter in 2024 and get insights on how to make necessary preparations, here.
  14. SUSTAINABILITY GOALS: Juan Cajiao (Maersk Global Head of Market Activation) and Rob Zuidwijk (Rotterdam School of Management Professor of Global Supply Chains and Ports) talk about logistics strategy in 2024 and how businesses can achieve success with the right set-up. Watch here.
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이 양식을 입력하여 구독을 신청하시면 통합 물류에 관한 Maersk의 인사이트를 메일로 받아보실 수 있습니다. 맞춤형 기사를 통해 유용한 정보와 비즈니스 인사이트를 확인해 보세요. 언제든지 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다.

구독 신청을 완료하셨습니다. 환영합니디!

Logistics Insights 구독을 성공적으로 완료하셨습니다. 곧 이메일 확인서를 보내드리겠습니다. 최신 업계 트렌드 정보를 기대해 주세요.

오류가 발생했습니다.

죄송합니다! 문제가 발생하여 귀하의 정보가 수집되지 않았습니다. 다시 시도하여 정보를 제출해 주십시오. 문제가 지속되면 Maersk로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.

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이 양식을 입력하여 구독을 신청하시면 통합 물류에 관한 Maersk의 인사이트를 메일로 받아보실 수 있습니다. 맞춤형 기사를 통해 유용한 정보와 비즈니스 인사이트를 확인해 보세요. 언제든지 구독을 취소할 수 있습니다.

위의 상자를 선택한 다음 제출을 클릭하세요.

이 양식을 작성함으로써 귀하는 당사의 개인정보 고지사항에 명시된 대로 귀하의 개인 데이터를 사용하는 데 동의함을 확인합니다.

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최신 공급망 트렌드를 이메일로 받아보세요

이 양식을 제출하면 A. P. Moller-Maersk 및 그 계열사로부터 이메일을 통해 물류 관련 뉴스 및 마케팅 소식을 수신하는 데 동의합니다 . 본인은 구독 취소 링크를 클릭하면 언제든지 Maersk 마케팅을 수신 거부할 수 있습니다. 개인 정보를 처리하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 개인정보 고지를 참조하세요.

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