Get valuable insights through the latest developments across regions in early 2023.

The trade landscape is ever-evolving and forever influencing emerging markets globally. The first half of 2023 has brought significant transformations and challenges to the supply chain domain, with developments in trade and economy shaping the contours of business operations. While the year began with optimism, the reverberations of the pandemic, coupled with geo-political tensions and natural disasters, have underscored the fragility of interconnected global networks. Nevertheless, this changing landscape has also unveiled numerous opportunities for businesses across various industries.

In this dynamic trade environment, it is crucial for leaders like yourself to remain informed, agile, and forward-thinking. The IMEA Supply Chain Digest aims to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of the developments, trends and updates that unfolded in the first half of 2023 across the regions of the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, and Africa.

What are the key highlights of the Digest?

Focusing on the key markets of India, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Ivory Coast and South Africa, this digest covers:

  • The region's economic and trade performance and its main drivers
  • A comprehensive understanding of factors already influencing or that will influence the region's trade and economy
  • An outlook into the performance of the region's trade and economy for the rest of the year

Want to delve deep into each region’s growth trajectory?

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