Thank you for using Maersk service. We would like to share new information related schedule change of said vessel.
Port Of Loading
Original ETD : 29 December 2021
Revised ETD : 25 December 2021
The reason of this change is due to network changes on several port.
Please also be informed that there is a changes for the cut off of the vessel to be below.
CY Open : 19/12/2021 02:00| Saturday
CY Closing : 24/12/2021 09:00| Friday
CY Closing – Reefer : 24/12/2021 09:00| Friday
This information also updated on our website using below link
Indonesia Vessel ATD
We apologize for the inconvenience that may cause to your shipment and your business.
Many thanks for your support. If you still have further assistance, please contact customer service hotline +62 21 5093 9470.
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