Local information - Europe

Shipping to and from India

Your complete guide to shipping to and from India. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.

Local information

Registered office address:

Maersk Line India Private Limited, Unit no. 401 & 402, Godrej Two, Pirojshanagar, Eastern Express Highway, Vikhroli (East), Mumbai- 400079

Correspondence Address:

APMT India Pvt Ltd Block No. 5-18, Sector 6, Dronagiri Warehousing Complex, Navi Mumbai - 400707
+91 22 50491001

Maersk Go pin: 2222

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Maersk Go contact email id:

Horaires d’ouverture
Mon-Fri 09:30-18:00

With over 20 years’ experience in India, we combine local knowledge, excellent service and unmatched stability with the world’s largest shipping network to connect India´s businesses to the world.

We offer regular services to and from 15 of India’s main ports, as well as 45 inland acceptance depots and 25 sales offices at key locations. Whatever you are shipping, we have the network and expertise to get it to its destination on time – wherever in the world that happens to be.

Informations utiles

Obtenez les dernières informations locales à propos des périodes de vacances, des charges, des services de paiement, des procédures et des restrictions, etc.

Customer Service Live Help Chat Team (India) shift timings :

  • Monday to Friday 09:00 am to 08:00 pm
  • Saturday 09:00 am to 06:00 pm
  • Lunch time will be from 01:00 pm to 01:40 pm

Experience our new and enhanced cargo booking

Now with instant booking confirmation.

In our continuous effort to offer you a simpler and easier digital booking experience we are pleased to present to you our new booking solution on Maersk.com.

You can now have your cargo booking request confirmed within seconds. In addition, you get greater visibility of sailing options with available vessel space, a list of depots with empty containers to choose from, and a choice of relevant value-added services. And you can now book from any device.

Web Solutions

Reach out to learn more

For end-to-end logistics solutions customised to your business needs across land, air and ocean.

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