Get to know how you can go all the way in transforming your logistics by investing in individual capabilities.

In collaboration with FT Longitude, we have conducted a research surveying 500 tech executives globally and it reveals a significant insight: human connection is the cornerstone of a resilient and agile supply chain. While factors that optimise supply chains like nearshoring, dual-sourcing and generative AI are crucial for development, the ability of individuals to build strong collaborative partnerships – both internally and externally – is the true driver of transformative supply chain performance. 

However, our data also exposes a critical gap: the disconnect between supply chain teams and the broader business. The findings throw light on the current stage of strategic relationships in the supply chain teams and the ways to strengthen these connections. It also emphasises the kind of human capabilities that logistics teams across businesses will require in the near future.

Download the report to know the key factors behind optimising supply chain operations:

The results of our research?

  1. Supply chains are siloed

    A mere 21% of executives report strong communication between supply chain leaders and executive management. This disconnect hinders strategic alignment, leaving supply chains adrift from overarching business goals. 

  2. Partnerships are short-lived

    While 60% of executives recognise the importance of collaborative innovation with partners, only 10% are truly satisfied with their partners' ability to co-create and test new ideas.

  3. The imperative need of new talent 

    The modern supply chain of the Tech industry demands a diverse skillset from the applicants, some of which include: risk management – in highest demand, digital proficiency, data literacy and exceptional communication with everyone involved in supply chain management.

  4. Making the transformation of supply chains a board-level operation

    Despite its strategic importance, the supply chain is not consistently a board-level priority. Only 54% of businesses consider it so, and a mere 28% have a dedicated logistics expert on the board. This lack of knowledge at the highest level of the company makes it hard to create a dynamic and agile supply chain that not only works in line with business goals but also matches the market trends of the Tech industry.

The report reiterates that true supply chain excellence in the Tech industry lies in fostering strong relationships, empowering our people, and bridging the gap between strategy and execution.

More of the latest insights on technology supply chains:

About FT Longitude

FT Longitude is a specialist thought leadership agency, owned by the Financial Times, working with a wide range of the world’s most prestigious B2B brands across Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific. FT Longitude’s 80+ clients are concentrated in the professional services, financial services, and technology sectors, but also stretch into energy, infrastructure, manufacturing and other industries. Headquartered in London, the company was founded in 2011 and was selected as one of Chief Marketer 200, Top Marketing Agencies of 2020, an Inc. 5000 Europe in 2018, an FT 1000 company in 2017, and a 2016 Leap 100 high growth UK company by City A.M. and Mishcon de Reya. It is led by founders Rob Mitchell (CEO), James Watson (COO) and Gareth Lofthouse (Chief Revenue Officer). For more information: visit

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How can you be ready for anything?

Insecurity and instability are on the rise, causing logistics to feel the pressure of constant deviations. How can one be resilient enough? How can business stay strong?

Learn more about how Maersk can help with logistics resilience.

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