In our ongoing commitment to offer you flexible and reliable services, Maersk is introducing a global 'Transport Document Issuance Service Fee' effective 10th March 2025.

This surcharge covers the administrative cost involved in providing Bill of lading in a location that is different from Origin or Shipper location and will be applied per bill of lading.

The service fee (tariff and currency) will be charged based on the country of the new receiver of the Bill of Lading.

Also, excited to announce that Transfer bill of lading will allow instant notification to be received by you and your consignee allowing easy original bill of lading access to consignee.

Bill of lading transfer option on Shipment details page

Bill Issuance

Note - For customers submitting shipping instructions via INTTRA / EDI, there is no change to the existing process. However, ‘Transport document issuance service fee’ will be applied for these shipments as well.

We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing working with you in the future.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our local representatives on

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¿Listo para enviar?

Consulte las tarifas para nuevos envíos y las tarifas de transporte terrestre.
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