We wanted to share an update on the status of your cargo onboard the Maersk Ohio, voyage 324E. The vessel has encountered mechanical issues at the Port of Houston. The vessel plans to offload its imports destined for Houston Barbours Cut Terminal this week. However, the vessel will need to undergo repairs prior to completing its voyage to Norfolk.

All cargo is safe and the vessel has engine power. The Maersk Ohio was originally scheduled to arrive in Norfolk June 29 to load export cargo. Preliminary estimates indicate a delay in the vessel’s departure from Houston at 1 day. Preliminary estimates also indicate arrival at Norfolk could be delayed by 5-7 days. However, this is an evolving situation and we are unable to provide a precise ETA for your cargo at this time.

We are currently working with repair teams, regulatory agencies, and regional terminal authorities to get your cargo to its intended destination as soon as possible.

We are monitoring the situation closely and will share updates regarding the disposition of your cargo and the vessel as they become available. For specific updates on your cargo’s status, please utilize our cargo tracking feature on Maersk.com.

We apologize for the delay in service and greatly appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

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