Last minute Payer Amendment Request on/or after the arrival date of the last vessel at destination pose a risk to the on-time release of your cargo and hence need to be treated with utmost attention from both sides.

In order to further reduce the chances of delays towards your invoicing and cargo release, Maersk is introducing the Payer Amendment Fee – Destination (PAD) as of 5th of October 2019.

Please see below details on the Payer Amendment Fee – Destination:

  • Payer Amendment Fee Destination (PAD) - EUR 40,00 per Bill of Lading.
  • Scope: World to Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland.

To mitigate the extent of late Payer Amendment Requests we offer you multiple channels to review and amend the respective Payer Information as per below:

  • Payer Information shown on Import Arrival Notice.
  • Payer Information shown in Shipment Binder on B/L - Level via our website.
  • Standing Payer Instructions via our website – please click here.

If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service teams.

We value your business and look forward to working with you in future.

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