Robert Maersk Uggla
Chair of the Board, chair of the Nomination Committee, member of the ESG Committee and member of the Remuneration Committee.
CEO, A.P. Møller Holding A/S
Not considered independent due to the position as CEO of A.P. Møller Holding A/S.

- Nationality: Swedish
- Born: 1978
- Gender: Male
- Joined the Board: 2014
- Current election period: 2024-2026
Other management duties:
- A.P. Moller Capital P/S (Chair)
- Svitzer Group* A/S (vice-chair)
- Agata ApS (CEO)
- Estemco XII ApS (CEO)
- IMD (Director of the foundation board)
- International Business Leaders’ Advisory Council, IBLAC (member)
- Board positions in a number of controlled subsidiaries of A.P. Moller Holding A/S.
* Listed company
- MSc in Business Administration (2003), Stockholm School of Economics, including studies at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi.
- Executive education at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford Business School, Harvard Business School, and IMD.
- Leadership experience within transportation, infrastructure and investment related activities.
Attendance in Board and Committee meetings during 2024:
- Board meetings: 10 out of 10
- Nomination Committee meetings: 4 out of 4
- Remuneration Committee meetings: 6 out of 6
- ESG Committee meetings: 5 out of 5