Maersk Accelerate

Get the extra push to the finish line.

When time is of the essence, every extra minute spent on transportation can lead to impactful delays and lost opportunities. To make every moment count, you need a solution that is fast and reliable.

Maersk Accelerate, our fast-tracking service, gives you the power to go full throttle whenever needed. It prioritises the handling of your cargo at the time of loading, unloading, discharge from the terminal, and when it starts on its way to the inland destination. You don’t have to worry about the coordination because our teams handle everything with the help of our end-to-end solutions and equipment.

But more speed doesn’t only mean less time

When you gain speed, reduced transit time is the first thing you notice. With Maersk Accelerate the benefits extend far and wide.
Faster speed to market
Your time-sensitive cargo reaches markets faster.
Less unsold and unused inventory
Get your goods to market faster and sell more.
Inland delivery guarantee
The express inland haulage service delivers all the way to your doorstep.
More predictability
Maersk-owned equipment and integrated solutions help reduce uncertainty in supply chain.
Less Logistics Cost
Less cost on inventory and demurrage expenses.
Shrink Connectivity
Single point of contact
Our team handles everything from end to end so you don’t have to.

The current market conditions have been particularly challenging for supply chains that operate in just-in-time methodology and often pass through the seaports.
Maersk Accelerate has mitigated many potential risks through fast-tracking features like top stowage and priority port discharge. It's been an invaluable addition given the number of situations the past 12 months have thrown at us.

Stuart Tilney
Production Control | Nissan NMUK - Sunderland Plant

Stay in control of your schedule

Maersk Accelerate: Predicted time for discharge and inland delivery

For customers who also buy intermodal services from Maersk

Maersk Accelerate Collect: Predicted time for discharge

For customers who use Maersk Ocean

How it works

As a priority offering, Maersk Accelerate saves time and hassle across various milestones in your cargo’s journey through a bundle of express solutions.
Block stowage
The block stow method stores all your containers together. Once the vessel arrives at its destination, those containers are discharged first.
Priority unloading
Your cargo is unloaded on priority at the destination terminal within promised hours.
Express terminal lane (optional)
Accelerate stacks enjoy express lane for gate out or connected to our express inland services for final delivery.
Customs Services (optional)
Our customs teams also manage the necessary documentation and clearances for your cargo.
Express inland delivery (optional)
Once your cargo is discharged from the terminal, speedy inland haulage options can fast-track doorstep deliveries.
Guaranteed diversion pictogram
Guaranteed diversion (optional)
While cargo is on water, you can decide to discharge in an earlier or later port (or inland destination) with no extra operational cost.

Flexible options

Benefits Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)
All containers stowed together
Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)
Top stowage
Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)
Priority discharge
Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)
Customs services (optional)
Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)
Terminal express gate out lane (optional)
Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)

Express connection with inland services

Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)

Fast inland options

Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)



Inland delivery guarantee

Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)

Diversion (ocean port prior/after booked one, or inland locations)


Guaranteed diversion

Maersk Accelerate Collect
(container yard only)
Maersk Accelerate 
(include inland delivery)
Maersk Accelerate Destination Flex 
(for all transportation modes)
*Depends on the inland services offered in each destination region.

Reach your markets faster

Along with speed and reliability, Maersk Accelerate improves your supply chain’s response to opportunities across the globe.
Maersk continuously explores new ports to serve you better.

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Maersk Accelerate – Eine Illustration, die eine Uhr und Maersk-Frachtcontainer zeigt.

Wir stehen Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite

Einen Preis ermitteln

Bereit zum Versand?

Tarife für neue Sendungen und Inlandtarife nachschlagen.
Ver itinerarios

Fahrpläne finden 1/2

Ver itinerarios

Fahrpläne finden 2/2


Anfragen an den Verkauf

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