Discover the evolving face of omnichannel in Asia Pacific and the potential it holds for businesses in the region.

Omnichannel was considered a pioneering new way to engage with consumers. Now, with the pandemic finally in the rear-view mirror, omnichannel is set to become the new standard. Consumers now demand the ability to shop using multiple channels and they want these channels to be integrated. Consumers all over the world show a clear preference for shopping with companies who provide them with a seamless omnichannel experience that allows them to shop on the web, with mobile apps or in a store.

Not only are consumers more likely to buy products when provided with an omnichannel experience, they also spend more money overall. The Asia Pacific region, due to high growth rates for smartphone adoption and digital wallet use and a growing preference for e-commerce, is forecasted to see the largest impact from omnichannel. This change is already being embraced by industry giants such as Alibaba and JD, who are leading the way in providing consumers with robust omnichannel consumer experiences and numerous other companies are following suit. An effective omnichannel strategy requires careful planning and comes with challenges, especially to the supply chain. It requires integration between manufacturing, point of sale, inventory management, shipping, last mile delivery and returns, encompassing both online and offline channels. However, when implemented well, omnichannel drives growth, improves consumer loyalty and increases brand visibility.

What this report covers:

  • What makes omnichannel tick?
  • Omnichannel around the world
  • Omnichannel is trending up in Asia pacific
  • Embracing omnichannel rewards businesses
  • Passing the logistics stress test

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