We are writing to inform you that following a thorough evaluation process, Maersk and MSC have mutually agreed to discontinue the 2M alliance, set to end in January 2025.

At Maersk, we are dedicated to improving our customers’ logistical networks and accessibility. We believe we will more efficiently deliver on the evolving needs of customers, such as the importance of reliability, flexibility, and sustainability in all aspects of logistics. We will seek to minimise any disruptions to the 2M network leading up to termination in 2025.

MSC has been a valuable partner and we look forward to a continued strong collaboration throughout the remainder of the agreement period.

We understand that at this time, you may have more questions pertaining to what this change may mean for your supply chain. Please feel free to access our Questions and Answers section on the discontinuation of the 2M alliance here.

Should you have any other questions, our customer service and commercial teams are always available to support should you need assistance.

We thank you for your trust and loyalty. We believe this change will allow you greater connectivity, thereby easing supply chain issues. We look forward to continuing to assist you on all matters relating to your logistical needs.

External Q&A in connection with the 2M alliance between Maersk and MSC

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