To accommodate the growing volume efficiently at Montreal Gateway Terminals (MGT) and cope with the unprecedented dwell times vessel berth swaps between terminals were recently announced by MGT. Please note the new berthing schedule impacting our Transatlantic service as follows:

  • CAE – Canada Atlantic Express service: will start calling Racine Terminal (Section 62) instead of Cast Terminal effective the end of July. First CAE vessel to call Racine will be CMA CGM MONTREAL, voy. 227W ETA 25th July
  • MCX – Mediterranean Canada Express service: There is no change to this service, which will continue to call Racine Terminal

There will be no changes to the service rotation.

Change to Rail Operations

The shift to Racine Terminal requires us to make necessary changes to our rail operations with the CN and CP railroads.

Beginning with the first vessel call on 25th July, all import and export inland cargo routed via Montreal on the CAE and MCX services will move with the designated rail providers as follows:


40’/45’ & 40 Reefer traffic moving to/from Toronto
All container traffic moving to/from Chicago


20’ container traffic moving to/from Toronto
All container traffic moving to/from Western Canada
All container traffic moving to/from Detroit

We understand the impact of these changes to our customers’ business and our teams are actively engaged in making the necessary routing updates to the affected import and export shipments. Changes will be directly communicated to our customers once completed.

We also encourage our import customers with shipments on the CMA CGM Montreal voy. 227W to wait for the issuance of arrival notices before proceeding with customs clearance to avoid any inconvenience.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your local Maersk professional. We look forward to continuing working with you in the future.

Anything you need, we’re here to help



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