Following the announcement on July 6 and receipt of required competition approvals, A.P. Moller – Maersk, has now completed the acquisition of the European customs services specialist to further enhance its logistics and services offering.

Copenhagen, 2 September 2020 - A.P. Moller - Maersk has on 2nd September finalised the acquisition of KGH Customs Services, a pan-European customs services provider, further strengthening its capabilities as an integrated container logistics company, offering end-to-end supply chain solutions to its global customers.

I am very pleased that we can now officially welcome KGH into the Maersk family”, says Karsten Kildahl, Regional Managing Director of Maersk in Europe. “The integration process now begins, and we are very excited to start working together and start learning from one another.

The whole KGH team is looking forward to closely collaborating with our new Maersk colleagues on providing a range of different services within the transportation and logistics industry as one combined entity. Our enhanced product portfolio and geographical reach will enable us to serve our customers and their growing needs even better”, says Lars Börjesson, CEO of KGH Customs Services.

During the remainder of 2020, Maersk and KGH teams will work together on establishing a joint operating model and optimal structure to serve their customer base going forward. Customers will meanwhile continue to interact with their current contacts in both organisations and enjoy the usual level of service.

Lars Borjesson, CEO of KGH, will going forward lead the combined customs related activities of both KGH and Maersk in Europe.

About A.P. Moller –Maersk

A.P. Moller -Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As a global leader in shipping services, the company operates in 130 countries and employs about 80,000 people.

About KGH Customs Services

KGH is a leading European Customs Services specialist that optimises customers’ trade and customs management through innovative strategy and compliance, operations and digital services.

For further information, please contact:

Lars Börjesson
CEO, KGH Customs Services
+46 72 712 94 44
Marko Mihajic, Regional Communications Manager, Europe
Marko Mihajic
Senior Press Officer
+48 695 999 687

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