Effective June 18, 2019, we will make the following updates to our Demurrage & Detention tariff charges in North America. Freetime levels will remain unchanged.

United States Import Demurrage

Ocean Terminals, Inland Container Yards, Inland Ports Operated by a Port Authority and Rail Ramps where Maersk demurrage includes storage(Except Newark)

Dry Non Operating Refrigerated

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 4th Day
USD 225
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 235
Days after free time expiration
5th Day to 9th Day
USD 275
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 285
Days after free time expiration
Day 10+
USD 325
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 335

Shipper Owned

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 4th Day
USD 175
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 185
Days after free time expiration
5th Day to 9th Day
USD 225
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 235
Days after free time expiration
Day 10+
USD 275
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 285

Operating Refrigerated Equipment

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 3rd Day
USD 400
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 410
Days after free time expiration
4th Day to 7th Day
USD 500
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 510
Days after free time expiration
Day 8+
USD 550
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 560

Newark Terminals

Operating Refrigerated Equipment

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 3rd Day
USD 510
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 525
Days after free time expiration
4th Day to 7th Day
USD 665
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 680
Days after free time expiration
Day 8+
USD 765
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 765

Rail Ramps, applicable to CY delivery cargo, where the rail provider collects storage directly from the customer according to their tariff:

Dry Non Operating Refrigerated

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 4th Day
USD 115
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 140
Days after free time expiration
5th Day to 8th Day
USD 160
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 200
Days after free time expiration
Day 9+
USD 190
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 230

United States Import & Export Detention

Dry Non Operating Refrigerated

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 4th Day
USD 115
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 125
Days after free time expiration
5th Day to 8th Day
USD 160
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 170
Days after free time expiration
Day 9+
USD 190
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 200

Operating Refrigerated Equipment

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 3rd Day
USD 310
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 320
Days after free time expiration
Day 4+
USD 415
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 425

Canada Import Demurrage

Dry Non Operating Refrigerated

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 4th Day
USD 115
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 135
Days after free time expiration
5th Day to 8th Day
USD 160
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 180
Days after free time expiration
Day 9+
USD 190
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 200

Operating Refrigerated Equipment

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 3rd Day
USD 310
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 310
Days after free time expiration
Day 4+ (4-7 new)
USD 415
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 415
Days after free time expiration
Day 8+ (new)
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 450

Canada Import & Export Detention

Dry Non Operating Refrigerated

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 4th Day
USD 115
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 135
Days after free time expiration
5th Day to 8th Day
USD 160
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 180
Days after free time expiration
Day 9+
USD 190
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 200

Operating Refrigerated Equipment

Days after free time expiration Current Effective June 18, 2019
Days after free time expiration
1st Day to 3rd Day
USD 310
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 310
Days after free time expiration
Day 4+ (4-7 new)
USD 415
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 415
Days after free time expiration
Day 8+ (new)
Effective June 18, 2019
USD 450

Please note for Maersk freetime, working days are defined as Monday – Friday, excluding holidays at ocean terminals, inland container yards, and inland ports operated by a port authority. Working days are defined as Monday – Saturday, excluding holidays at rail ramps.

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