APM Terminals Inland Services will be integrated into Maersk Logistics & Services from 1 August 2019, providing customers with seamless access to a wider range of logistics & services offerings. This is a next step for A.P. Moller - Maersk in the implementation of our strategy to offer end-to-end solutions to our customers.

The Inland Services portfolio is a network of inland terminals around the globe consisting of 36 business units with over 100 locations. By bringing together all operations skills and capabilities within logistics, it creates a base for growth and enables Maersk to excel in the execution within Logistics & Services products.

“APM Terminals can fully focus on becoming a world-class port operator, while Maersk, with the integration of Inland Services, will continue to focus on ocean transportation as well as logistics and services product development and delivery,”, says Søren Toft, EVP and Chief Operating Officer A.P. Moller - Maersk and continues:

“By structurally adding Inland Services to Maersk, customers will have a seamless access to a wider range of logistics and services offerings. It puts Maersk in an even better position to differentiate its offering and scale the Logistics & Services portfolio to an even broader customer base.”

APM Terminals will continue to serve shipping line and landside customers with services on and around the port premises such as traditional storage and terminal handling as well as newly developed services such as fast-gates. While focusing on its core offering, APM Terminals is also continuing to collaborate with Maersk for customers who are looking for end-to-end solutions.

“The even closer collaboration enables both APM Terminals and Maersk to reduce complexity and eliminate service overlaps, so that both brands can focus on their core strengths and provide greater value and a better experience to customers,” says Morten Engelstoft, CEO APM Terminals and EVP A.P. Moller - Maersk.

Today, Inland Services offers a vast arrange of services for both shipping line customers and landside customers. For shipping line customers, the offering of Inland Services centres around depot, container equipment maintenance and repair and transportation. For landside customers, Inland Services is supporting these customers by integrating their supply chains locally through services such as transportation solutions, CFS and warehouse, depots and temperature-controlled handling and storage environments.

About Maersk 

A.P. Moller - Maersk is an integrated container logistics company working to connect and simplify its customers’ supply chains. As the global leader in shipping services, the company operates in 130 countries and employs roughly 84,000 people. Our mission is to enable and facilitate global supply chains and provide opportunities for our customers to trade globally.

Press contact

Signe Wagner

Signe Wagner (Head of External Relations)
+45 3363 1901

E-mail Signe Wagner

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