Local information - Europe

Shipping to and from United States of America

Your complete guide to shipping to and from United States of America. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.

Get a full overview of Maersk Spot

This guide provides details of all six steps in the booking process, including pre- and post-booking stages, along with a list of necessary documents and value-added services that enhance your booking experience.

Find everything you need to know about your booking with Maersk.com

Streamlining logistics across various products, vendors, and borders may seem complex, but with the right supply chain partner, it's just a few clicks away. Maersk empowers you with digital tools for enhanced control, enabling swift strategic decisions on the move. From easy booking anytime, anywhere, to addressing all your logistics queries, Maersk.com simplifies shipping. Explore our webinars to kickstart your journey.

Global Solutions

Besuchen Sie auch unseren Bereich Global Solutions, um unser gesamtes Angebot an integrierten Logistiklösungen zu sehen, die Ihre Supply Chain von Anfang bis Ende unterstützen und stärken können.

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