Local information - Europe

Shipping to and from Seychelles

Your complete guide to shipping to and from Seychelles. Find the right route, get Maersk office locations, discover local solutions, payment options and more.

Local information

Mahe Office Details (Main Office)
Hunt Deltel & Co. Ltd
Head Office – 3rd Floor
The Quadrant Victoria
Mahe Seychelles
+248 4380 000

+248 4380326
Maersk Go contact email id:

Import related queries:
Export related queries:
08:00 -12:00 & 13:00- 14:30

With offices in the Seychelles, Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and the Comoros, we have been we connecting the businesses of the Indian Ocean Islands with key markets around the world for more than 15 years, via a comprehensive road and rail network that joins seamlessly with our global ocean fleet.

We have the expertise, global presence and local knowledge to get your cargo to its destination on time – wherever in the world that happens to be.

Nützliche Informationen

Informieren Sie sich vor Ort über Ferienzeiten, Gebühren, Zahlungsdienste, Verfahren und Einschränkungen im Landverkehr und vieles mehr.

Experience our new and enhanced cargo booking

Now with instant booking confirmation.

In our continuous effort to offer you a simpler and easier digital booking experience we are pleased to present to you our new booking solution on Maersk.com.

You can now have your cargo booking request confirmed within seconds. In addition, you get greater visibility of sailing options with available vessel space, a list of depots with empty containers to choose from, and a choice of relevant value-added services. And you can now book from any device.

Web Solutions

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