Meet evolving consumer demand by curbing your supply chain’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
44% of retail executives agree: reducing supply chain GHG emissions is key to meeting customer demand. But why have businesses been slow in adopting more GHG emissions reducing policies?
Our new report in partnership with the Economist Impact, titled “How lower supply chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions drive consumer demand, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve the bottom line”, explores why decarbonising logistics is more critical than ever.
It also covers what retail businesses can aim to do to reduce GHG emissions, meet customer demands faster and stay ahead of evolving expectations.
The report unpacks:
- The key drivers behind the lower GHG push, including consumer demand and regulatory pressure.
- The challenges, with 59% of executives struggling to navigate the complex ESG regulatory landscape.
- The solutions to reduce emissions, attract customers, and future-proof supply chains.
With over 600 global standards introduced since 1997, 35% of retail executives feel compelled to adapt to stay compliant, but the road ahead can be daunting. This report also offers valuable perspectives from senior supply-chain executives to help you stay informed on regulatory practices and the future of retail logistics.
Read the Economist Impact report to discover more insights on decarbonising logistics for retail businesses. Click on your region to get the report.
How can you make your logistics interconnected?
Reduce complexity with an all-in-one solution where your business only has to deal with one partner to service all your supply chain needs from start to finish.
Learn more about how Maersk can help with integrated logistics.
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