FMCG supply chain management

Omni-connect to reach every cart, online & offline

Integrated logistics keeps your supply chain resilient and responsive to the market.

Neue Wege. Neue Möglichkeiten.

Termingerechte Lieferung ist im FMCG-Bereich unerlässlich. In einer Welt, die von Krisen, Rohstoffknappheit und steigenden Kosten geprägt ist, muss die FMCG-Supply-Chain effizient, widerstandsfähig und flexibel sein. Entdecken Sie mit einer integrierten Logistiklösung neue Wege Eine Lösung, die Ihre FMCG-Supply-Chain optimiert und gleichzeitig umweltbewusst ist.

Industry overview

Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) form one of the largest industries worldwide. From our morning showers with a jojoba shampoo to our oats and fruit breakfast, or office outings at a local pub or snacks at a street vendor – our worlds spin around consumer goods.

The industry today is constantly being disrupted by ever-changing consumer preferences and new technologies. Customers demand innovative products, which means producing a wider range of goods at higher volumes quickly. In developing markets, consumers are also spending more, which raises the call for an expanded supply chain.

According to Allied Market Research, the global FMCG market is predicted to reach $15,361.8 billion by 2025, growing at an incredible 5.4% in the next five years. New avenues providing greater business opportunities. Research from Statista also shows that eCommerce is growing faster than traditional brick and mortar stores every year. Consumers are demanding new product offerings such as healthier and sustainable products, and this is expected to open new roads for FMCG players.

Maersk – an able partner

FMCG leaders from all over the world trust Maersk with their logistics because we understand the ins and outs of their operations. A dedicated in-house team of experts boosts our services by catering to every brand’s unique requirements. We specialise in several sub-verticals including Food, Beverages, Home Care, Personal Care, Tobacco, Cosmetics, Tissue and Hygiene Paper, and Consumer Packaging.

Our expertise in consumer packaged goods (CPG) supply chains helps build solutions tailored to your products and needs, by understanding the market and the change in consumer preferences.

Maersk an able partner
Chain link

Supply chain agility

  • Flexible solutions for the changing transportation and FMCG logistics needs.
  • Smaller shipments more direct and focused on quicker reactions.
  • Alternative transport modes to support the global supply and demand changes are required to secure speed to market and to reduce the risk of delays.
  • Regionalisation of supply and demand, with FMCG companies shifting their sourcing areas to markets where products are manufactured and sold.
  • The concentration of providers means that FMCG companies need to work closely with their business partners to achieve their overall goals.
Supply chain technology

Rise of supply chain technology

  • Data-driven supply chain optimization through real-time visibility and cloud-based solutions.
  • End-to-end data visibility facilitating decision-making processes.
  • Transformation of traditional supply chains by the Industrial Revolution 4.0 with advanced robotics, autonomous technology systems and additive manufacturing.
Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit

Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit nimmt zu

  • Transparenz über Transport- und Logistikoptionen mit geringeren Klimaauswirkungen im Vergleich zu Optionen auf Basis fossiler Brennstoffe.
  • Expertise und Beratung zur Unterstützung Ihrer Dekarbonisierungsagenda.
  • Mehr Fokus auf die Reduzierung von Kunststoff und Abfall in der FMCG-Supply Chain.
  • Fokus auf die Einhaltung umweltfreundlicher und ethischer Produktionsentscheidungen und Sensibilisierung der Kunden durch Nachhaltigkeitssiegel.

Adding value to our customers

With Maersk as your partner, take advantage of our deep understanding of the FMCG industry to build a more efficient supply chain.

We focus on offering agile solutions characterised by safety and digital innovation, led by a global team of highly talented logistics professionals.

FMCG supply chain management

Changes in lifestyle majorly drives the growth of the FMCG market. Moreover, increase in global population, growth in awareness of FMCG products, frequent launches of new products, and effective advertisement of the FMCG brands are the other factors that boost the growth of the global fast moving consumer goods market.

- Allied Market Research

Wir schaffen Ordnung im Logistics Outsourcing

Während die Debatte zwischen den verschiedenen „PL“ bzw. „Parteien der Logistik“ weitergeht, kann es oft verwirrend werden, z.B. den Unterschied von 3PL und 4PL zu erkennen und die einzelnen Ebenen von Lieferketten-Dienstleistungen zu unterscheiden. Das Logistics Outsourcing ist für Unternehmen der Kategorie FMCG von besonderer Bedeutung. Eine eigene, interne Logistikabteilung mag auf den ersten Blick attraktiver erscheinen, lenkt jedoch durch erhöhten Zeitaufwand und mangelnde Fokussierung von der Priorität der unternehmenseigenen Hauptgeschäftsfelder ab.

Die richtige Wahl von PL, z.B. 3PL vs. 4PL Logistics, kann zur Straffung und Vereinfachung Ihrer Lieferketten-Logistik beitragen, dauerhaft und systemimmanent Kosten senken und dabei helfen, Probleme in puncto Koordination und Transparenz im Supply Chain Management zu überwinden. Hier nehmen wir das Beispiel eines Molkereibetreibers, um zu verstehen, wie sich die verschiedenen Ebenen der Partei-Logistik (PL) auf die Supply Chain Logistics in seinem Unternehmen auswirken:

Abbildung eines Erzeugers von Molkereiprodukten, der auf seiner Farm über 4PL nachdenkt.

Overcoming the hiccups of a new partnership

The right logistics partnership can do wonders, not just for a supply chain but also for the teething problems of a new joint venture. See how we joined hands with an Early Life Nutrition brand to make sure that their new business found a strong foothold in the Asia Pacific right from the get-go.

Doing the heavy lifting for you with specialised warehousing and distribution solutions

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